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Marine Management Meeting Minutes - 05/12/09
Minutes FOR
May 12, 2009
Municipal Office

Member’s Present:  Story Litchfield, Rick Savage, Jim Black, Harbormaster Shawn Murphy, Bill Johnson, Eric Jones, Jim Bright, Chris Moore, Jock Crothers, Thomas Fernald, Ted Bromage, Chairmen Dana Haynes

Not Present:  Doug Foster

Guests:  Noel Musson, Jeff Tunison

A.      Call to Order at 5:30 p.m.

B.       Minutes
      1.    Approve the minutes of the regular Marine Management Committee Meeting from April 14, 2009.

Motion to approve April 14, 2009 minutes as written made by Savage, seconded by Johnston.  Vote unanimous in favor.

C.       New Business

1.      Review the MMC attendance record which will be supplied by Jim Black.

Black motioned to move discussion regarding attendance to the end of the meeting, seconded by Savage.  Vote unanimous in favor.

2.      Select survey bid for the boundary of the Marina and green area and make recommendation for the May 18, 2009 Board of Selectmen meeting.

Murphy presented the survey bid results as described above. Herrick and Salisbury was the low bidder, with CES, Inc. next.  Mr. Tunison stated that either way, both prices were very good deals, and that they had no problem with Herrick and Salisbury doing the job.  Tunison did explain that there would be extra time/charges involved on their part placing the survey lines on the topographic survey currently underway.  It was decided that since CES, Inc were already contracted for other work, they should do this survey.  
After considerable discussion with Noel Musson and Jeff Tunison, Savage motioned to recommend that CES, Inc. be awarded the survey project for $2,500.00, due to the continuity of information that would be gathered for the final plan, seconded by Black.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

D.      General Issue

       1.      Open

Moore questioned the current grounds keeping in the marina and green area.  Members showed concerns as to why the area has not been maintained.  Several members stated that they were going to contact members of the BOS and question why it is not getting done.

E.           Old Business

1. Continue discussion on the Northeast Harbor Waterfront Improvement project.

Musson inquired about the “what’s next” for the proposed project.  Savage spoke regarding having CES, Inc. give direction on what’s got to be done, along with cost estimates.  Savage stated that we have a full year to get the plans together, the need to go before the BOS ever couple of months for letting them know where the project stands, and to have something to present to the Town’s people at the next Town Meeting.

Litchfield suggested going before the BOS again for support on the project due a change in membership.

Musson stated that he can have cost estimates ready for the 5-26-09 BOS meeting.  Musson inquired about concerns regarding placing cost estimates with the plan as the BOS may bid out different aspects of the project.  Savage stated that this was a possible event with a project of this size.

Savage stated that he feels that this project is directly tied into the Main Street initiative that has been newly formed by Sam Shaw.  

Black discussed pulling phase 2 into phase 1, calling the initial project phase 1.  Discussion followed with total agreement.  It was also mentioned that the chamber building stay in the area that it currently is, not at the bottom of Sea Street.  Moore questioned whether this needs to go to Town Meeting for release of funds or just to the BOS.

Musson again expressed concern about putting numbers on the project, only to have the BOS place it out to bid, with their numbers already public.  Discussion followed stating that this is always a possibility and part of doing business.  Savage inquired about the scope of services to get this to the next Town Meeting, along with plans and conservative cost estimates.  
F.      Discussions

MMC moved to hear the attendance records, provided by Black.  Black discussed taking on the duty of keeping the records.  Discussion of maintaining a quorum and the importance of having one at meetings was discussed.  Discussions about the individuals that show up at meetings once in a while were discussed in general.  Johnston stated that these individuals were adults, they can call if they will be unable to attend certain meetings.  Murphy stated that it has been a problem in the past, but the last year has been good.  He see’s no problem keeping the status quo as is.  Individuals have been very good about notifying if they will not be able to attend meetings.  Johnston stated that it is not the committees job to scold members, that it is the responsibility of the members to be diligent in notifying if they will not make a meeting.

G.      Adjourn

Bright motioned to adjourn, seconded by Savage.  Vote unanimous in favor.

Submitted by:

Shawn Murphy